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Anzacs by Name

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Anzac Walk HomeEducational Interest

Anderson, Maxwell Harcourt (Ginger)

Pte. Anderson Gordon 1916. Photographer unknown. Photo source AWM P06954.002

Anderson, Gordon (Stanley)

Baggs, John Albert

Barlow, Harold George

Bell, James

Bell, William (Scotty)

Bennie, James

Billing, Alfred William

Pte. J. W Bingham. Photo source Western Mail  13.10.1916 p28

Bingham, John (Jack) W

Sgt. Birch D. Farrier. Photograph source Sunday Times 12.8.1917 p1

Birch, David Smith

Birch, William Edgar

Bridson, (M) Douglas

Broad, Frank Henry

Brockman, Harold Bertie

Bulkeley, Thomas Houldsworth

Keith Alfred Burton.  Photo source Western Mail 9.10.1919 p25

Burton, Keith Alfred

Cameron, Dougald

Castle, Arthur Edward

Christie, John R. Photograph source Western Mail 27.12.1918 p 21

Christie, John Robert

Prov. Cpl. Donald Drummond Clarkson. Photo source The Clarkson Trustees

Clarkson, Donald Drummond

Cleverley W.R J. Photograph sourced and reproduced from the  Daphne Gill Collection courtesy C. Warren

Cleverly, Henry (Harry) A

Coe, Victor Alfred

Collisson, Donald Marsden

Lieut. G. S. Compton 1917. Photographer unknown, photograph reproduced with permission of P. Mitchell

Compton, George Spencer

Capt E.A.F. Compton 28th Bn. Photograph reproduced with permission of P. Mitchell

Compton, Edward Arthur

Cook, Clarence Thomas

Cook, William Edward

Cotterell, George Edward

Davies, Percy William George

Lance Sergeant Reginald Arthur Davies with his MM.1919. Photographer Dease Studios Barrack St. Perth,WA. Photograph source SLWA 108217PD

Davies, Reginald Arthur
